Category Archives: pathsnagger

PathSnagger El Captain Issues

Some users have reported that after the initial install of PathSnagger, a reboot may be required before the service appears in the Finder’s contextual menu. This appears to be new with El Capitan. So please try rebooting first if you don’t see “Snag Path” listed anywhere.

PathSnagger 2.1.1 now available from the App Store!

New in this release:

* “Use ~ for home directory” option works again in Yosemite.
* Added option to insert a newline character. This was intended for use in the “Item delimiter” field, so if you snag multiple files, you can separate them with a new line, but this can also be used in the Prefix and Suffix fields if you like. To use this, enter the text {NEWLINE}. It must be in all caps.

2.1 Beta Publicly Available

Clearly it’s taking me far too long to get this ready for a real release in the app store. So for now, I’ve made the beta available for everyone. The link is to the right. It requires at least OS X 10.7.

UPDATE: I’ve taken this down, as 2.1 final is now available at the Mac App Store. Big thank you to all my beta testers!

PathSnagger 2.1 Betas Seeded

I’ve started what I hope will be a short beta-test period for version 2.1 of PathSnagger. This is a major rework from the previous versions. In truth, it’s a completely new application. It now works in OS X 10.7 (Lion), and is much more configurable than the previous releases. You can read the (in progress) Help file to whet your appetite.

Lion Support is Coming

I’ve been working on a completely rewritten PathSnagger. It is now an application, instead of a service/preference pane, which should make the installation a lot easier for everyone. It works on Lion, and should also work in Snow Leopard, but I haven’t been able to test that yet. The application advertises its own service, so you will still get a “Snag Path” option in your Finder’s contextual menu (sometimes it will be in the Services submenu.)

The new version is much more user definable than the previous version. Once you set up your rules, you can specify exactly how you want the path to be snagged each time you invoke the service.

It also contains Growl support, and will pop up a Growl notification displaying the path that was copied to the clipboard.

I’m very happy with this one, and hope you will be as well! This next release will be deployed via the Mac App Store.

If anyone is interested in beta testing this version, please join the mailing list mentioned in the previous post.

2.0b2 will not work on less than 10.6!! (

If you’re coming here from, expecting to get 2.0b2 working on anything less than 10.6, you will probably be disappointed. They updated the listing without asking me, removing 1.1b5 and replacing it with 2.0b2, which isn’t ready for prime time yet.

My goal is to get it working with 10.5 at least, but initial reports indicate that doesn’t work yet.

You can still access 1.1b5 or the Universal Binary (which is the better option) from the links on the right.

UPDATE: It’s not just It looks like everything got updated. Must be one automated script that just notified everything else. Oh well, I guess it’s open season!

2.0b2 available to everyone

First, I want to thank my group of private beta testers. The feedback you’ve given me has been great, and has made me feel comfortable enough to open this up to everyone.

Feel free to download 2.0b2, but please comment in this post after you’ve used it for a while and let me know how it goes. Please provide your OS version, Mac model, and any other relevant information you can think of.

* Because it’s a beta, some of the ease-of-use isn’t there yet. So it’s a totally manual installation right now.

* PS is now a service, not a contextual menu plugin. You’ll need to remove the contextual menu plugin, and place the service in ~/Library/Services.

* You will want to replace the preference pane with the new one. You can just double-click the preference pane and it will auto-install. Make sure System Preferences is not running, or it will probably crash.

* You’ll want to delete your existing com.bergenstreetsoftware.PathSnagger.plist file. It actually reads from com.bergenstreetsoftware.PathSnaggerService.plist now, but why confuse things?

* Documentation isn’t there yet. I’m working on it.

* This distribution is via a .zip file. I’ll have it in a .dmg file for the final release.

* I’m running 10.6. I haven’t tested this on anything less than 10.6. I’d love to know if this works on 10.5.

Right now, it ships with four menu items: Snag Path Unix, HFS, Windows, and File://. I haven’t found a decent UI-based way to hide or show those, so they’re all on by default. If you want to, you can edit the info.plist in the service. Email me if you want instructions on how to do it. It’s not hard, but is a bit involved.

Even though this is a service, if you’re running 10.5 or 10.6, it will show up as a contextual menu option, just like the old PathSnagger. You can also access them from the Services menu if you want.

Thanks everyone, and enjoy!