Windows paths

I’ve been getting a lot of mail regarding Windows paths and if I’m going to add that to PathSnagger.

The answer is yes! It’s just a matter of getting the time to do it.

The current plan is to use UNC-style paths. I’ve started some of the coding, but it’s not there yet.

Patience, grasshopper …

PathSnagger 1.1b5 Available

New in 1.1b5:

  • “Use Quotes” was moved into the “Unix Paths” group as it doesn’t make sense for HFS.
  • “Escape Spaces” was added as an optional checkbox. This should satisfy both Terminal and “Go to Folder…” users.


PathSnagger 1.1b4 Available

New in 1.1b4:

  • Unix Paths” and “Use Quotes” are now enabled by default. Fixes an issue where it appeared PathSnagger wasn’t enabled because it wouldn’t show up in the contextual menu. This was because nothing was enabled by default.
  • Default separator is “;”
  • Recompiled with 10.2.8 SDK. Should provide compatibility with 10.2, and hopefully with 10.1.


PathSnagger 1.1b3 Available

1.1b3 has been unleashed. I have also notified VersionTracker of the change, and will follow-up with MacUpdate and other sites.

New in this release is the ability to snag paths in a local URL format, meaning “file:// …”

PathSnagger is available! (in beta form)

The new release of CopyPath has been renamed to PathSnagger.

This adds several frequently requested features:

  • Quotes are now optional.
  • The separator between multiple files is now configurable.
  • The menu options can reside in either the root menu or within a submenu.

The new features are configured via a Preference Pane in System Preferences.

Try beta 2 and let me know what you think!

Download PathSnagger 1.1b2