Windows paths

I’ve been getting a lot of mail regarding Windows paths and if I’m going to add that to PathSnagger.

The answer is yes! It’s just a matter of getting the time to do it.

The current plan is to use UNC-style paths. I’ve started some of the coding, but it’s not there yet.

Patience, grasshopper …

2 thoughts on “Windows paths

  1. nao

    I’m wait’in for “Windows paths”. yes
    Please tell me it, by all means when completing it.
    I want to take up my blog. And I want to use in my company. 🙂

  2. aRt

    [Not sure if this belongs in this category.]

    I work on a Mac, yet we have a Windoze server… Using the contextual menu for the ‘Snag Path File’, any blank spaces in file names results in gibberish > 20% <. Is there any way to change it so blank spaces are represented as blank spaces (or an underscore or any other preference)?


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